To what extend the North-South transport corridor is more desirable and beneficial for Azerbaijan’s interests in the region?

To what extend the North-South transport corridor is more desirable and beneficial for Azerbaijan’s interests in the region?  Tural Shirin Since gaining its independence in 1991, Azerbaijan has been truly active in developing oil and gas sector of the country. Accurate decision-making of the government authorities has attracted billions of foreign direct investment throughout two…

How the relations between Azerbaijan and Israel have developed, in spite of external shocks?

How the relations between Azerbaijan and Israel have developed, in spite of external shocks?   Shirin Tural Enrolled for doctoral studies in “Political Theory” at the Academy under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Introduction:   After the US president Donald Trump has recognised Jerusalem as a capital of Israeli state in December 2017,…

Iranian gas export potential to Europe after JCPOA and existing directions of Turkmenistan energy resources transportation and supply diversification.

Iranian gas export potential to Europe after JCPOA and existing directions of Turkmenistan energy resources transportation and supply diversification.   Leyla Nagiyeva, Ph.D. student in International Relations and Economics at Baku State University Abstract This work is devoted to the disclosing of the main trends in the conditions of competition in the world and euro-energy…


IMPACT CAPABILITIES OF THE WORLD BANK  DEVELOPMENT OF AGRICULTURE IN AZERBAIJAN   Zeynallı  Latif  Vidadi Phd,  Azerbaijan  State Oil and Industry University. INTRODUCTION   The World Financial Institutions are financial support for economic and social development activities in developing countries, providing professional advice and promoting international economic co-operation and sustainability.The priority of the World Financial…

Effects of increasing sanctions against Russia on post-Soviet countries

Effects of increasing sanctions against Russia on post-Soviet countries Anar Khalilzade, International Economic Relations, UNEC In today’s world one of the most pressing international problem is Ukrainian crisis as it is affecting several geopolitical regions since 2014. The main contributors of this crisis are Russian Federation, Ukraine, United States and European Union. Following the military intervention…